
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Green Crafts at Home, Part 1

While planning out our Trash to Treasure activities for the summer, we came across some GREAT green crafts that were too involved to do here at the library. In the spirit of everything 'green', we think these would be great activities to do at home with your kids. We will have three entries to this segment spread out through the summer, each with several green craft ideas for your family. Have fun, and remember, for more green craft ideas, feel free to come into the library and check out one of our great craft books (you will find them under the dewey number 745.5)!

Decorate a Compost Bin
Teach your kids about recycling and composting this summer with a compost bin. All you will need is a plastic storage bin with a lid. Let their imaginations run wild with decorating the outside of the bin, drill some holes in the bottom, and then discuss what items you will be able to put into the bin to keep them out of the landfill! For more information on this green craft, look here.

Create Animal Jars
Don't know how to keep your kids junk organized? Help them make Animal Jars out of old pasta sauce, olive, and jelly jars. Gather old or leftover fabric and googly eyes to create as many animals as you need. Come into the library to get inspiration in our animal book section. For more information on this green craft, look here.

Egg Carton Ladybugs
Looking for something to do after brunch on Sunday afternoon? Use that egg carton, pom poms and leftover house paints to create fun ladybugs. Let the kids decorate them with as many dots as they want, or have them decorate them with the same number of dots as their age. For more information on this green craft, look here.

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