
Friday, February 17, 2012

Vote Now!

Just a reminder, voting for Caudill and Monarch nominees ends on Monday February 27. Parents and teachers, please encourage your children or students to get their voting done as soon as possible. The Caudill and Monarch awards are state awards were kids pick the winners.

Caudill voting happens online through our department's Caudill Club. Kids have to read a minimum of three of the nominees to vote for which one they believe should win the Caudill award. If readers read ten of the nominees, and submit feedback forms for each, they'll receive a copy of the winning book!

Monarch voting happens here in the library. Paper ballots are available in the picture book section. Kids have to read (or be read to) a minimum of five of the nominees to vote for the one they think should win the Monarch award. If readers are read to (or read themselves) all of the nominees then they will receive their own copy of the winning title!

This is a great chance for your child or students to read from a collection of diverse titles and have their say in which they feel deserves to win. It's also a fantastic way to add to your family's personal library!

Stop by the Youth Services desk for more information. Which books will your child predict to win?

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